Regarding Free Module


New member
I wanted to know what exactly are the limitations of the Module?
Also, in the api call /nw-api/attack, the other_headers field returns "Nemesida Free"
I meant to ask if there are any limitations related to traffic and virtual hosts. Because for every request I am getting
    "other_headers": "TmVtZXNpZGEgV0FGIEZyZWU=",

TmVtZXNpZGEgV0FGIEZyZWU= decodes to "Nemesida WAF Free" instead of headers JSON object
I meant to ask if there are any limitations related to traffic and virtual hosts. Because for every request I am getting
    "other_headers": "TmVtZXNpZGEgV0FGIEZyZWU=",

TmVtZXNpZGEgV0FGIEZyZWU= decodes to "Nemesida WAF Free" instead of headers JSON object

Yes, there are some limitations in the Free version while interaction with the Nemesida WAF API - removing a virtual host/other_headers